How poor is poor?

Our travel advisor worked with a local African travel agency to set up the stops on our tour.

This current stop is on the outskirts of a town that looks literally dirt poor, with irregular water service and no mail service.

My perspective of life has changed.

Not sure what to do…

I know I am blessed beyond measure.

With me being childless, every penny I spend on myself is wasted money.

Why am I still alive?

I can’t seem to get away from equating wealth with happiness.

Have I ever been happy?

In the past, I kept myself too busy to think and called that nose-to-the-grindstone attitude “happiness” or at least a kind of life satisfaction.

Shouldn’t standing here on the deck of a private villa whilst wild animals chew on grass a few meters away count as happiness?

Why must I have the next thing and the next thing and the next thing in an attempt to fill the bottomless emptiness inside?

I am immeasurably poorer in comparison to residents of nearby towns with no running water.

I am poorer than poor and the realization hurts considerably, no end to my internal suffering until I’m dead.

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