Bedridden in Botswana

Welcome to the flattest country on Earth!

At least that’s what our open-door chopper pilot told us as we flew over the border between Botswana and Namibia.

Very dry this time of year

Sometime before that flight yesterday, I realized I wasn’t just queasy from the plane ride anymore.

Had to hustle to the toilet after a game drive, on the run for the runs!

Turns out I’ve ingested either nasally or orally a bacterium my body is not used to, which reproduced rapidly.

Not from the borehole water which is treated for microorganisms but from some other source including the air.

Slept for almost 15 hours, missing a great dinner under the stars and two game drives.

But that’s okay, seen a lot in a short amount of time in Selinda Great Plains Camp…

We’ve driven close to animal kills more than once…

Hung out near animals breathing, snorting, growling, licking each other, spraying themselves with urine, rolling in the dust, pooping on the go and releasing who knows what into the air around us…

Like a cave painting

But for tonight, it’s a bit of rest, following doctor’s orders (via WhatsApp telemedicine call with a Botswana physician) — need to rehydrate…

Take my meds…

No caffeine, dairy products or alcohol for a few days…

And enjoy a quiet evening in my tent while everyone else is on a night game drive…

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