No longer hearing the cry of my mother’s voice

Mom‘s voice has rung in my thoughts for months. Now that she’s dead, the crying voice of “Why am I still alive?” and “I’m tired and alone!” are gone. The stillness in my thoughts is deafening. And with that, I’ll close this blog as we finish our 35-day African holiday on Likoma Island in LakeContinue reading “No longer hearing the cry of my mother’s voice”

Last day in Botswana

After we ate a nice classic English breakfast at the main Selinda Great Plains lodge, Nthabi drove us one last game drive on the way to the bush airport… We said our goodbyes at the airport lounge…  And rode a bush plane from camp airstrip to Maun… Where Great Plains spoiled us once againContinue reading “Last day in Botswana”

Mentally and physically drained but going on, anyway

My sister bore the major burden of caring for our mother. We handle the death of our mother differently. Despite severe diarrhea and dehydration, despite feeling empty inside after my mother’s death, I am still on holiday and there’s not much I can do from here in Southern Africa [currently texting from the Intercontinental HotelContinue reading “Mentally and physically drained but going on, anyway”

A morning for the birds

Despite feeling ill, joined our guide for the sunrise safari ride. Our guide wanted to find male lions but the tracks disappeared into high grass. So for the most part it was a morning of bird sightings… And sometimes just the nests… Our last full day on safari in Africa, with one more evening gameContinue reading “A morning for the birds”

Almost dangerously dry

Spending a few days in Botswana, which has artificial geopolitical boundaries that define surrounding countries like Angola and Zambia. But climate conditions don’t know human-defined borders. Thus, the drought that plagues Zambia and Angola also affects Botswana. Our host (looks to be in his 30s-40s), who has spent his life here has not seen theContinue reading “Almost dangerously dry”

Bedridden in Botswana

Welcome to the flattest country on Earth! At least that’s what our open-door chopper pilot told us as we flew over the border between Botswana and Namibia. Sometime before that flight yesterday, I realized I wasn’t just queasy from the plane ride anymore. Had to hustle to the toilet after a game drive, on theContinue reading “Bedridden in Botswana”

Into the wind

My stomach’s still a bit queasy from yesterday’s flight into bush camp (or is it the “borehole” water I’ve been drinking?). By bush plane standards, good-sized craft… But the winds are strong here in Botswana (they’re blowing through our glamping tent this morning with good force). The pilot aborted one landing because he couldn’t straightenContinue reading “Into the wind”

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